The Social Justice Bully
This person isn’t just a member of the P. C.
Police, they are a high ranking officer of the P. C. Gestapo. They are usually a bleeding heart liberal
whose heart has bled so much for causes and special interest groups of their
own personal interest that it has become cold and black when it comes to any
issue that doesn’t fit exactly into their narrative of the world.
Their blatant hypocrisy runs rampant on
Facebook and the manner in which they force-feed their flavor of self-righteous
Kool-Aid to their followers reeks of the same heavy-handed bullying that they staunchly claim
to be against. The fact that this irony is always lost on
these types of people has researchers baffled.
Dr. James Sutton, a researcher from
Penn State University who has been studying the phenomenon believes that the
reason they don’t realize they are
the problem is due to a lack of true intelligence. "These people usually lack
formal education and almost never actually read scholarly articles or medical
journals for their information. They instead
rely heavily on social media propaganda that they only half understand and
don’t fact check before they repost and regurgitate as gospel" says Sutton.
Jack Vance a researcher from Brock University
has another theory as to why these people don’t realize how poisonous they
are. “They’re really just assholes,
plain and simple. Acting like they are
standing up for the ‘little guy’ gives them a deluded sense of self-worth. Which is bad because the only thing worse
than an asshole is a self-righteous asshole.” Noted Dr. Vance.
So please, Social Justice Bully, the next time
you feel the need to “enlighten the un-evolved” just take your own advice and
“educate yourself” first, because your blowhard rants aren’t changing anyone’s
mind about anything, other than the fact that you are a giant douche bag.