An Open Letter of Apology to Everyone I’ve been a Complete Bitch to Lately.

From An Obnoxious New First Time Mother

It is no secret that something changes in a woman when they become a mother for the first time, and not all new mothers react in the same way.  Some women are overcome with a divine sense of patience and tolerance towards not just their child, but every living creature on God’s now greener than ever Earth.  Others act like insufferably colossal bitches to every single human being they encounter.  Here are four apology letters from one of those exact obnoxious new moms who seems to have seen the error of her ways… Sort of.


To motorists that I have death-glared,

I know for the most part your only crime was driving a few miles over the speed limit or perhaps not approaching the cross walk that my new child and I were crossing as slow as I am comfortable with.  Perhaps my full on evil-eyed death glare and visible mouthing of the words “W. T. F.” to you was a little uncalled for.  You must understand however, this is just my maternal ‘mama bear’ instinct kicking in.  It’s natural for me in the postnatal period to wish violent death upon everyone except my child and me.  So please in the future, for everyone’s sake, if you are driving and you see a woman pushing a stroller on the sidewalk or a car with a ‘baby on board’ sticker, please just do the right thing and pull off to the side of the road with your emergency four way blinkers on until she has passed out of site.  You don’t own the road and you are NOT a new mother. 

Sincerely yours,
An Obnoxious New Mom


To the pedestrians I run off the sidewalk with my oversized baby stroller,

I hate to be a bitch about it, but I AM a new mother, so I do own the sidewalk, you can walk in the street or on the soggy grass for a few measly feet.   And yes, I did have to choose the ‘monster truck’ model of stroller that takes up a full sidewalk lane.  This is my first child and I really want to ingrain an overinflated sense of self entitlement into her from the very beginning.  Sure the stroller my mother used for me was tiny in comparison and folded up even smaller so she didn’t need the help of 3 hulking men to load it onto a city bus, but that was the 1980’s, and parents were stupid back then.  SUV sized strollers are a necessity now a days so please, in the future, if we are on the same sidewalk, be a gentleman/woman and either dart out into the street or simply laydown as flat as possible to allow us to safely roll over top of you and be on our way so that I don’t have to give you dirty looks and curse obscenities at you under my breath when you brush up against my baby’s stroller as I sandwich you against a street sign poll. 

Sincerely yours,
An Obnoxious New Mom


To every waitress that’s waited on me lately,

I understand completely that you work at a ‘Resto Gastrolounge Bar’ and your ownership originally gave no thought to customers with small babies and toddlers, and they probably even consciously declined to equip your restaurant with things like highchairs and chicken fingers on the menu.  Sure a lot of my parental counterparts take their young ones to family friendly establishments, but the truth is that most of those well-known chain restaurants don’t accommodate my self-diagnosed gluten sensitivity, and besides, your cilantro aioli arugula salad is to die for.  So I will continue to frequent your restaurant and I will continue to give you a hard time when your child-unfriendly atmosphere leads to slight inconveniences for my family.   Oh and also, I’ll admit that the only thing keeping me from completely whoring-up my own wardrobe isn’t a newfound sense of motherly propriety, but instead, the extra baby weight that I simply can’t kick, but that low-cut dress that you wear to work… I find it completely inappropriate and I’ve already written another email to your manager about it.  You should be ashamed.  My children eat here!! 

Sincerely yours,
An Obnoxious New Mom 

 To my single friends who I have been belittling lately,

 I am sorry that I have been crapping all over your accomplishments recently.  Sure, being the first female CEO of your fortune 500 company is nice and the pictures from your ‘Voluntourism’ trip to build schools in the 3rd world were kind of cool.  But I am sick and tired of people congratulating you on that stuff like it is some sort of big achievement.  I mean it’s not like you gave birth to a baby for Christ’s sake!  Last week my baby crawled for the first time and yet when we met for brunch all you wanted to discuss was your dating issues with your current boyfriend.  He hasn’t even proposed or knocked you up yet!  Why the Hell would you even bring up his name in our conversation?!  It is things like this that show just how selfish you are sometimes and you don’t even realize it.  It’s ok though, I know that once you have a baby of your own you’ll realize how much of a cow you’ve been to me lately and how empty your life is. 

Sincerely yours,
An Obnoxious New Mom.

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