8 Overused Phrases That You Need to Stop Using

Game Changer
If I have to hear one more person use ‘game changer’ to describe something that has nothing to do with a game or a change I am going to puke on my own face.  This phrase used to be rightfully relegated to sports, used for example, to describe a pick six in football or a 4-point play in basketball.  Then the phrase began making its way in to ads to try and sell everything from cars to tampons.  Then it must have been used in a Sex and the City movie or something because now every basic chick on the planet uses the phrase to describe her new boyfriend.  News flash ladies, he’s not a game changer, he’s a loser you met on Tinder who is going to start phasing you out as soon as the sex becomes boring or a prettier girl swipes right. 

This word has been overused since the early 2000’s when everyone on the planet decided to adopt it as the key adjective used to describe their personality.  It is also used routinely by losers to label their group of friends despite the inconvenient truth that finding the odd non sequitur joke funny doesn’t actually have anything to do with your group’s overriding dynamic. 

This word has now lost its actual meaning.  It has become a synonym for figuratively because a lot of people are stupid and when stupid people find something they like they overdo it.  Literally.

I feel like
What you mean to say here is ‘I think’.  You don’t feel like the show starts at 9pm, you think the show starts at 9pm.  That is unless your bum knee gets sore when shows start at 9pm, then ‘I feel like’ would work.  But that of course would be ridiculous, and if you repeatedly use ‘I feel like’ to address something you think to be true then so are you. 

I know, right??!
This has become a standard response to damn near every statement.  There are better ways to agree with someone.  Ways that don’t have the same idiotic eye-widening inflection that I know, right? Always has. 

Educate yourself
This is something that you never actually hear an educated person say.  This phrase is the go to for conspiracy theorists, internet social justice warriors and Facebook argument seekers in general when their uninformed ‘facts’ run out and they want to try to belittle their opponent.  Usually these battles of nitwits ends when the same person who implores others to ‘educate themselves’ states they ‘no longer have time to argue with the misinformed online’, after hours of arguing misinformed information online.  And yes, the irony IS always lost on them. 

Sorry, not sorry
Da fuck are you talking about?!!? You’re either sorry or you’re not.  If you are sorry, apologize.  If you’re not, don’t.  Don’t be a pussy and toss out this bull shit Valley Girl disclaimer to try and underline your piss poor attempt at edginess.

Just saying
Yah. No shit.  You just said it. Why do you feel the need to follow up your statement with this arrogant apothegm that is almost always accompanied by an equally arrogant, puckered up, condescending look?  Please stop.

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